Plagiarism and Conflicts of Interest (COI)

IJSRIS Journal is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and integrity, including the prevention of plagiarism and conflicts of interest.


Plagiarism is literary theft and copying portion/whole of a text, idea, image, process and result from another person, without referring to the source correctly, giving appropriate credit and acknowledgment, and using it as an author's own original work which is stealing another person's work or ideas (intentionally or unintentionally).

The workflow of Plagiarism checking in all publications of the IJSRIS Journal are as follows:

  • check and detect plagiarism from enormous web pages and academic databases

  • declare duplicate contents in the submitted manuscripts

  • highlight the duplicate contents with related citations and resources

  • aware the Authors to prevent:

    • copy the materials from books, manuscripts, web pages and other sources
    • quote the bit/whole of information as individual knowledge
    • use other Author's theory, opinion and result without crediting
    • ultimate lightly paraphrase and reword other Author's material

  • direct the Authors to document related sources, place the citations in the references and paraphrase information in the submitted manuscripts to reduce and avoid plagiarism

  • the accepted manuscripts with appropriate status include plagiarism around 15% using Turnitin Software.


Non-disclosure of conflicts of interest is not to declare financial or non-financial benefits (personal, political, academic, religious, institutional) that could potentially affect professional judgment and biased conclusions.

The workflow of Conflict of Interest in all publications of the IJSRIS Journal are as follows:

  • do not assign recommended Reviewers from the Authors of the submitted manuscripts as well as their collaborators or colleagues at the same institute

  • receive the conflicts of interest statement from the Authors of the submitted manuscripts if the conflicts exist

  • ask Reviewers to disclose the conflicts of interest where bias their judgement of the submitted manuscripts

  • manage Editorial Board, Chief Editors and Academic Editors have not the conflicts of interest in their judge, personally, professionally or financially to make the final decisions about the submitted manuscripts

  • check the Editorial Team do not use information gained through editing the submitted manuscripts for private gain

  • consider regular disclosure statements about probable and potential conflicts of interests related to the commitments of the Editors, Reviewers and Authors