Publication Ethics

International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies (IJSRIS) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed and high-quality scholarly journal published bi-monthly and electronically that is dedicated to promot research in to various fields including Information and Technology Sciences, Natural and Medical Sciences, Social and Humanities Sciences, Environmental Sciences, and Applied Sciences.

The IJSRIS Journal has the publication ethics and malpractice statement containing the following subjects:


The IJSRIS Journal commits and protects the clear publication and precise attribution of authorship criteria and rules as:

- provide the journal research areas,

- follow up the journal format,

- check out the journal submission guidelines,

- acknowledge all contributed authors,

- edit language of manuscript,

- organize the list of references,

- settle the financial support,

- provide no plagiarism,

- obtaine no fraudulent data,

- coordinate publication policy for details,

- unethical consider of ghost (non-named), guest (no contribution) and gift (senior/affiliated) forms of authorship,

- not considering multiple submissions and redundant publications,

- forbidden to publish same research in more than one journal,

- contribution of the authors in conception or design; data acquisition and analysis or interpretation,

- intellectual content development or critical review,

- final version approval and integrity.



Aware of allegations of research misconduct relating to the published papers in IJSRIS Journal, the guidelines of Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE) are followed in dealing with the allegations.

Guidelines for Publication Ethics following recommendations of COPE to:

- Authors' Responsibilities

- Reviewers' Responsibilities

- Editorial Responsibilities

- Publisher's Responsibilities



The IJSRIS Journal commits and protects the authors' responsibilities as:

- the authors' obligation to participate in in peer review and authorship processes based on their signed Copyright Form and Permission Form considering the Journal Publication Policy (,

- all the authors have significantly contributed to the research,

- the statement that all data in the submitted manuscript are real and authentic,

- the authors' obligation to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.



The IJSRIS Journal commits and protects the peer review and reviewers' responsibilities which is objective as:

- the judgments process of the submitted manuscript is objective,

- the reviewers have no conflict of interest with respect to the research,

- the authors and/or the research funders, reviewers point out relevant published work which is not yet cited,

- the reviewed manuscripts are treated confidentially.



The IJSRIS Journal commits and protects the editorial responsibilities as:

- the editors have complete responsibility and authority to accept/reject the submitted manuscript,

- the editors have no conflict of interest with respect to the accepted/rejected manuscript,

- the editors only accept the manuscript when reasonably certain and errors are found and solved,

- the editors promote publication of correction or retraction,

- the editors preserve anonymity of the reviewers.



The IJSRIS Journal is responsible to collect and share with the IJSRIS Journal Editors all complains and appeals against the journal, staff, editorial board and publisher.



The IJSRIS Journal commits and protects the manuscript submission as:

- contain the journal standards and ethics,

- retrieve published manuscript as well as publish concern statement and notify related organizations,

- evaluate dual submissions for previously published in or simultaneously submitted manuscript,

- prevent redundant publication,

- record the communications and documents between authors, editors and reviewers,

- check out plagiarism and originality of the submitted manuscript,

- evaluate gained permissions of the perior publications or reused texts, data, equations, figures and tables,

- investigate plagiarism of concepts, structures and softwars used in the submitted article,

- reduce plagiarism of the manuscript around 15%,

- avoid publishing to harm the reputation of people and organizations,

- prevent publishing of libellous, slanderous or defamatory materials.



The IJSRIS Journal commits and protects the conflicts of interest as:

- obligations of the authors, editors and reviewers to avoid any conflict (or potential conflict) of interest between the authors as well as the third parties,

- submit the completion form between the authors to the journal editors,

- define the relevant financial and non-financial interests/supports and role of the research funders or sponsors in the Acknowledgment section,

- avoid creating potential conflict of interest through assignment of handling authors, editors and reviewers,

- select alternative reviewers to prevent the potential conflict of interest between the authors and editors.



The IJSRIS Journal commits and protects the editing and reviewing as:

- adhere to established principles of Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement,

- fully editorial independence from imposed strategies, processes and policies of the publishing partners,

- prevent to accept manuscripts for commercial or political reasons,

- encourage authors, editors and reviewers to have clearly defined processes and policies for handling of contributions in the publication,

- support standard editing procedure and reviewing system based on the submission guidelines,

- review the submitted manuscript by independent experts in the relevant area,

- make a scientific assessment and efficient recommendations to the authors and editors,

- keep unknown and confidence information system through the authors, editors and reviewers,

- maintaine complete confidentiality and privacy during editing and reviewing procedures,

- obtaine multiple editing and reviewing procedures to the revised manuscript,

- handle editors considerations on the reviewers comments to make a final decision fairley to accept/reject the manuscript.



The IJSRIS Journal commits and protects the complaints and appeals as:

- submit complaints and/or appeals by email addressed in Contacts,

- acknowledge and update complaints and/or appeals within maximum 1 week of receipt,

- forward the complaint and/or appeals to the IJSRIS Editor,

- follow up the guidelines of Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE) in the complex cases.



The IJSRIS Journal commits and protects the post-publication discussions and corrections as:

- submit correction, retraction or removal notices to indicate the incorrect elements when they are required for the published papers,

- make the corrections within maximum 1 week after publication,

- address minor corrections or changes related to spelling, phrasing or data,

- issue retraction notices and make the actions for major, incorrect and unreliable materials in the published papers as well as link the Publisher Note to the paper considering guidelines of COPE,

- issue notices for the critical published papers and make removals from the publishing list in the case of false copyright or contents as well as link the Publisher Note considering guidelines of COPE.



The IJSRIS Journal commits and protects the data sharing and reproducibility as:

- share processed information via open access published papers,

- facilitating access to research materials by enabling reproducibility,

- publish resulted data, algorithms, methods, and analysis.



The IJSRIS Journal commits and protects the intellectual property as:

- retain the copyright of the published papers by the authors,

- grant the ability to disseminate the published paper by the IJSRIS Journal,

- dissiminate process is under Creative Commons (CC) License described in the Publication Policy page.



The IJSRIS Journal commits and protects the ethical oversight as:

- perform the research including human subjects according to the declaration of Helsinki,

- submit ethic statement for the research including human subjects,

- follow up the institutional policies of the research ethics by the authors,

- comment ethical problems of the submitted papers to the Publisher by the peer reviewers.